Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Biased Skirt Pattern

My sister-in-law had this on her blog. I thought it was really cute and bookmarked it for later. It's from the

Can't wait to try it out!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Christmas Planner

Since I haven't been making anything worth while in a really long time, I thought I would share cute things I find on others crafty blogs. There are so many crafty people out there! One can get very lost reading all the blogs and things.

My first one is a Christmas Planner. It is SO cute and such a good idea. I thought of making different themes for it: homework planner, art book {you'd have to find a composition book that is unlined though}. You could really do anything with a cute book like this.

I found it on the eighteen25 blog. She has step by step instructions and a free printable to help make it easier.

So cute!